Abhorsen- Episode 8

Published: Jan. 22, 2020, 8:20 p.m.

Thank you very much to Abbey for commissioning this episode!
We've only got one more to go before this story wraps up, and I for one am still on the edge of my seat. I want to know what exactly Mogget is up to, I want to see Sam reunited with Sabriel and Touchstone, I want to see Nick rescued (PLEASE let him be rescued) and I want to see what it looks like to bind a creature of this kind of power.
But first, we've got to deal with Hedge. Predictably, he has followed Lirael into Death and he's decided that it's a really good idea to battle her in a place that is so dangerous that even getting a glimpse of the sky will cause him to be pulled away from the mortal veil forever. Gotta say, Hedge, it doesn't feel like you thought this one through.
Thanks so much for listening, and I will see you again soon with a new episode!