
Published: Dec. 11, 2021, 8 p.m.

Virágzik is a first-level transmutation with an instant casting time and duration, and a range of thirty feet.

Casting this spell upon a blooming plant will cause every bulb within its root system to blossom.  The opening takes full effect in about sixty seconds.  After a few minutes, the plant will return to its natural state.

Florists have been making use of the Hungarian spell since its discovery in 1933 to liven up their stock.  Take care as forcing a plant to open too often can place it out of sync with the pollinatinga insects which it needs to reproduce.  If a plant spends its energy opening, then it cannot spend that energy growing leaves, stems, and roots.

The highest use concentration of viragzik occurs every year in Pasadena, California.  Dozens of floats use thousands of flowers for the annual Rose Bowl parade, and each one gets a boost to its natural beauty just before being judged.  This single day is responsible for 18% of the yearly use of the spell.