Taloina le uila

Published: Sept. 29, 2021, 7 p.m.

taloina le uila is a level three conjuration spell with a range of one hundred twenty feet, a duration of up to ten minutes, requires both concentration to maintain, and a cumulonimbus cloud.

Taloina le uila is one of a few spells that is dependent on the weather.  Cloud to ground lightning occurs somewhere on the Earth about one hundred times a second and each strike can release a billion volts of electricity.  With this spell, you can direct this natural force.  The result is not precise, but a lightning bolt can be aimed with an accuracy of about ten feet.  Control can also be hampered if casting in an area with tall structures such as buildings and trees.

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration strongly recommends a Category 3 Protective Clothing System when casting this spell.

As impressive as it sounds to wield lightning like the Norse god, Thor, no one has yet found a practical use for it.  Most of the energy of lightning is sent out as sound, light, heat, and radio waves.  If its total energy were available, a single lightning flash would run an ordinary household light bulb for only a few months.  So, for now, flinging lightning is more form than function.