
Published: Jan. 8, 2022, 8 p.m.

Itburnsus is a third level evocation, with a range of one-hundred-fifty feet, an instant casting time and duration, and requires a few grams of sulfur to cast.

Itburnsus projects a golf-ball-sized flaming orb from the wand.  The sphere releases a burst of super-heated air upon impact.  The initial temperature is approximately four-hundred-seventy Fahrenheit.  The rush of gas has been measured as high as eight-hundred degrees.  The burst lasts only an instant, but it is hot enough to ignite flammable materials.  Before impact, the small conflagration is vulnerable to being extinguished if doused with water or suffocated by chemical or conventional means.

This spell has been in use since ancient times as an ignition source and offensive weapon.  It is said to have been discovered by  by Kallinikos of Heliopolis, probably about the year 673.    Used primarily at sea, the spell gave the Byzantines a substantial military advantage against enemies such as members of the Arab Empire.  An 11th-century illustration of its use survives in the John Skylitzes manuscript.  Itburnsus has been used in every American conflict except the Civil War where both sides agreed to avoid potential collateral damage.

Itburnsus is not restricted by federal law and it is legal for use in a forty-eight states except for California and Maryland.