His tevli bibin

Published: April 26, 2022, 7 p.m.

His tevli bibin is a fifth level divination with a range of thirty feet, a duration of an hour, and a material requirement of a piece of eggshell.

His tevli bibin allows two people to create a telepathic link.  Each person casts the spell on the other, and their thoughts begin to meld.  The use of the spell with a new person is often overwhelming, causing headaches and nausea.  With meditation and practice, two people can share any thoughts in their conscious mind. 

Today’s spell is ancient, discovered in what is now Iraq around three thousand BC.  Kings would share the spell with their prophets for dream interpretation and force spies into sharing their secrets.  In 1924, the spell was banned from Olympic competition as judges felt it altered the essence of pairs figure skating. 

A darker use of the spell began as false prophets would claim to be able to see the future by sharing the spell with someone for a fee.  They would then probe the person for financial information while at the same time implanting visions and thoughts in the victim's mind.  The practice mostly preyed on lower-income, less-educated populations.  In the last few years, this practice has had a resurgence in South Africa, with legislators struggling to stop it while still allowing for religious freedom.