Api peri

Published: Dec. 18, 2021, 8 p.m.

Api peri is a first-level evocation with an instant casting time, a duration of a minute, a range of sixty feet, and requires concentration to maintain.    

This spell is one of only a few to come out of Indonesia.  It concentrates and focuses cosmic rays toward a target.  Upon inanimate objects and plants, it is ineffectual.  But, within the vision of living creatures, a dazzling light show is produced.  Bright sparkles obscure the vision and are visible even with the eyes closed, but only to the target. 

Api peri was discovered in 1950 by Puncak Jaya.  Then, it was thought to somehow affect the optic nerve by constricting blood flow.  During the Apollo eleven mission in 1969, astronaut Buzz Aldrin reported seeing the visual phenomenon.  Subsequent missions of Apollo sixteen and seventeen carried a special detector on board.  NASA scientists found the cause of the flashes was high-energy particles passing through the spacecraft.  Since the effects of the particles are visible with the eyes closed, many astronauts had trouble sleeping.  We Earth-bound folk can not see cosmic rays generally due to the protection of the magnetosphere, a region of space surrounding the planet.

Api peri is most commonly used by ophthalmologists testing a patient’s optic nerve and by law enforcement.