SW 212 - DECIDE, The Ultimate Success Trigger with Jim Palmer.

Published: June 30, 2015, 3:12 p.m.


Jim Palmer is the founder of the Dream Biz Academy and Dream Business Coaching and Mastermind Program. He is a coach, speaker, and business-building expert. Jim recently wrote the book DECIDE:The Ultimate Success Trigger and talks to Jason on some of the key things you can learn in the book. On the episode, Jim talks on the importance of delegating your work, cleaning out your headtrash, and pushing through criticism.\\xa0




Key Takeaways:


[2:20] Highly successful entrepreneurs make a decision and move forward with it.\\xa0


[5:11] If you wait too long and stay in \'squishyville\', you will miss the opportunity.\\xa0


[7:55] How did Jim clear his headtrash?\\xa0


[12:15] Everybody has headtrash.\\xa0


[18:20] People will always criticize you. Brush it off and keep moving forward.\\xa0


[20:55] When is it a good time to get help?\\xa0


[22:45] Start small, hire a virtual assistant for ten hours a week.\\xa0




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