SUFB 573: Is The Canadian Government Doing Enough To Protect Orcas?

Published: Sept. 21, 2018, 8 p.m.

The Southern Resident Orca population is a terrible shape. The Orca known as J50 has recently disappeared causing concern for scientists, conservationists and advocates in Canada and the US. There are now only 74 Orcas left in that population. 

The major contributing factors to the situation with the Orca population are the lack of chinook salmon and the increase of ship traffic along the West Coast of North America causes risk of ship strikes and underwater noise.

There are a number of organizations that do not think the Canadian Government is doing enough to protect the Orcas, so they decided to sue them. 

I discuss what they want the Government to do and why during this episode.


Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Do you think the organizations should sue the government for the action that is rarely used? Let me know in the Facebook Group.

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