SUFB 547: How To Create A Conservation Movement With Brooke Tully - Part 2

Published: Aug. 26, 2018, 8 p.m.

Brooke Tully joins me again on the podcast to discuss the second part of the interview that we started yesterday. Today, we are discussing how to create a conservation movement. 

I thought it would be good for you, the audience, to understand how a movement is put together, starting with the purpose. It's important to realize that a movement usually ends with a specific action or behaviour change. The campaign for the movement is based on creative marketing purposes hopes to results in a behaviour change of a certain group around an Ocean Issue.

Brooke works with conservation organizations to create campaigns that will help groups conserve the Ocean with a specific behaviour change. 

Enjoy Part 2 of 2 episodes on Conservation Marketing with Brooke Tully.

Check out her work here:

Brooke's You Tube Channel

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

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Want to hear more form Brooke? Check out The Deep Dive, where Brooke and I talk more candidly about conservation marketing and how it applies to the Ocean.