35: SOCIALISM IN SICK TIMES (10.09.2022)

Published: May 14, 2023, 10:38 p.m.

b"There's a strike wave sweeping the UK right now, with workers across sectors refusing to accept stagnating wages while the cost of rent, energy and food skyrockets. One of the strikes brewing is in healthcare, with NHS Scotland workers (like Ben) recently balloting to refuse a paltry pay offer and signalling their willingness to take industrial action. After the ordeal of covid and the sacrifices of millions of workers, people aren't willing to sacrifice any more to keep profit rates high.\\n\\nIn this episode, Ben talks a little about how he came to write 'Socialism In Sick Times' for the first issue of a new magazine called The Guts Of It, then reads the piece. You can read the piece yourself in print or online. Check out www.thegutsofit.org to find your copy.\\n\\nSubscribe to the Spaghetti For Brains newsletter if you want to read more: www.spaghettiforbrains.com/p/socialism-in-sick-times"