SPA Girls Podcast – EP160 – Wide Versus Exclusive – Which Is Better?

Published: Nov. 7, 2018, 11:44 p.m.

It's one of the big questions in the Indie author space, and hotly debated by many on either side. This week we talk about the pros and cons of going wide on all publishing platforms versus going exclusive to Amazon. No one seems to have a definitive answer to whether it's better to do one or the other, and it can seem confusing and overwhelming. So the SPA Girls sat down and worked through what it means to go wide on all the publishing platforms, what you'll get from it that you won't get if you're exclusive, and what you'll be missing out on if you're wide - and then we do the same for the decision to go exclusive with Amazon. If you've been worrying over whether you should go wide on all platforms, or go exclusive to Amazon when you publish your next book, this episode will give you the answers you've been looking for.