Regina Spektor, In-Studio (From the Archives)

Published: April 23, 2020, 4 p.m.

Songwriter, pianist, and singer Regina Spektor was born in the then-Soviet Union and moved to the States on the cusp of her teenage years. She began playing small cafes and clubs, before moving up to big arenas, and in 2019, a run of shows at a Broadway theater. Her songs are full of charm, wit, and surprises, and very often portray an outsider trying to make sense of things. A perfect fit, then, when the Netflix show Orange is the New Black (2013-2019) came looking for someone to write a theme song.  

This session from 2012, was around the time of her release What We Saw From the Cheap Seats. Here’s Regina Spektor, in-studio to play a few songs from that record.

Set list: "Firewood," "Oh Marcello," "Ballad of a Politician"