Episode 96: Light Rain Beside Lake McCloud

Published: March 5, 2022, 4:55 p.m.


This recording was gathered just before sunset during a light rain shower at the water's edge of Lake McCloud in Shasta County, California. There is unfortunately quite a bit of air traffic on this recording. Normally I would keep trying until I got a recording with little or, ideally, no air traffic, but we have received very little rain this winter and I don't know when the next opportunity to record the sound of rainfall on the lake will be. I hope you don't find it too bothersome on what I think is an otherwise good recording. Listen for the low hooting song of the male Sooty Grouse as they try and attract females. 


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You can see pictures of the area this was recorded, as well as pictures from other locations I have gathered recordings, by visiting the Instagram and Facebook pages for the podcast. You can find them by searching @soundbynaturepodcast.


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