Episode 54: Deep Forest Breeze

Published: Nov. 8, 2020, 11:09 p.m.


This was recorded on a breezy autumn day in a densely forested gully near the Pacific Crest Trail in the Shasta-Trinity National Forest, Shasta County, California. Wind blows steadily in the treetops with occasional gusts rustling the dry Pacific Dogwood leaves still clinging to their trees while showers of Douglas Fir needles rain down from the massive trees towering above. 



There is some unfortunate noise pollution in the form of air traffic in this episode, I hope it doesn't ruin the listening experience too much. It's not the first time there has been noise pollution in an episode, but it is definitely the most noticeable. I thought that otherwise it was an interesting recording, so I decided to release it. There are chattering squirrels, a pileated woodpecker, ravens and their wingbeats, and lots of other interesting forest sounds aside from the commercial air traffic. I was thinking of labelling episodes with gratuitous noise pollution explicit, if only as a way of giving you a little warning about it without having to read through the episode description. What do you think? You can let me know by emailing me at soundbynaturepodcast@gmail.com, or by going to the Facebook page for the podcast and commenting your thoughts on the post for this episode. Find it by searching @soundbynaturepodcast and please like and follow the page while you're there. Thanks!



Sound By Nature is produced by me with production help from my dog and the generous support of listeners like you. If you enjoy these recordings and value natural sound recorded on location with no advertising, which has been gathered mindfully with respect for nature, perhaps you would like to support the podcast as well. Can you help me provide you with these recordings by becoming a supporter? Your support will be used to help me continue giving you ad free natural sound recorded live on location. I hope that if you can you will consider becoming a supporter. To those of you that are already supporting the podcast, I am extremely grateful. Your support has helped me upgrade my equipment, which is hopefully providing you with a better listening experience. And aside from that it is motivating to know that you value what I am providing you. Thank you. 


If you have any questions, comments, or criticisms(hopefully constructive), please e-mail me at soundbynaturepodcast@gmail.com.


Thank you to everyone that voted, and thank you for listening.


