Episode 51: Mount Shasta- Wind at Treeline

Published: Oct. 11, 2020, 3:20 p.m.


This episode was recorded at treeline beneath a stunted cluster of krummholz Whitebark Pine atop the ridge on the north side of upper Ash Creek Canyon on the east side of Mount Shasta in the Mount Shasta Wilderness, Shasta-Trinity National Forest, Siskiyou County, California. It was a sunny and clear day, and the wind blew briskly across the top of the short, shield like canopy formed by the twisted, weather beaten trees growing at the cusp of habitability. My production assistant had to sit this one out as his species is prohibited from entering the Mount Shasta Wilderness. He's a dog.



Sound By Nature is independently produced by me with generous support from listeners like you. If you enjoy the podcast and appreciate natural sounds recorded on location with no advertising, no looping, and no corporate overlords, which have been gathered mindfully and reverently, perhaps you would like to support the podcast as well. Can you help me by becoming a supporter? Your support will help me continue making recordings in beautiful and sonically rich environments. Since the last episode I have gained the support of two more listeners! To my five supporters- Soo, Paul, Meta, Alexandra, and Szymon- thank you so very much! Your support has helped me acquire better equipment so that I can hopefully improve your listening experience and continue providing you and all listeners with authentic natural sounds. If you are interested in supporting me as well, you can do so by clicking the support link at the end of this podcast description. 



What a time to be alive. I hope you all are staying as healthy as possible, both mentally and physically, in this increasingly dystopian world. As our American presidential election nears I hope that you will keep the Earth, our planet, our home, in mind as you go to the polls. I hope that you will choose candidates that will fight climate change and enact policies that will protect our environment and preserve the natural world for our grandchildren and their grandchildren. And if you live elsewhere in the world, in a country which holds democratic elections, I hope you will keep these thoughts in mind when you make your choices. Thank you all for listening.
