Episode 48: Wind in the Pines

Published: Aug. 29, 2020, 3:30 p.m.

b"This was recorded just east of the Trinity Divide in a small stand of Lodgepole Pine in the Shasta-Trinity National Forest, Siskiyou County, California.\\n\\nThis podcast is entirely produced by me with production help from my dog, and is supported by listeners like you. Your support is greatly appreciated and is currently being saved until I have enough funds to purchase a higher quality microphone so that I can provide all of you with a higher quality listening experience. If you would like to help me reach my goal, you can do so by clicking the support link at the end of this podcast description. These are tough times and I understand that most people can't afford to donate to a silly nature sounds podcast. But for those of you that can, I am extremely grateful. I am committed to putting every bit towards improving the podcast for you and all listeners. Thank you.\\n\\nI hope everyone is staying healthy in body and mind, and I hope these recordings can help you give yourself a break from social media, the continuous news cycle, and the everyday stresses of the world and the ongoing pandemic. Thank you all for listening. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay sound."