Bonus! Binaural Snowshoeing

Published: Dec. 5, 2022, 5:14 a.m.


I recorded this while snowshoeing in the forest outside of the small town of McCloud in Siskiyou County, California. We received more than a foot of snow over the few days prior to the day this was recorded, with a couple inches of fresh snow the night before, and I wanted to try making a binaural recording while snowshoeing. I was carrying an umbrella because the snow was wet and melting out of the trees, and I was wearing a fleece jacket(my snow jacket is really noisy while walking and moving around) and I didn't want to get too wet. I was also carrying the umbrella because the falling snow makes a nice sound as it falls on it, and would otherwise not make any sound at all. This is the first binaural recording I have made while snowshoeing, and I thought it turned out alright so I'm sharing it with you. I hope you like it! 


I really want to thank my monthly supporters on both Anchor and Patreon, as well as those of you that have made one time donations. Your contributions mean a lot, and I am truly grateful. 


I'd also like to thank those of you that have taken the time to rate and review the podcast, thank you for your kind words!


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Thank you you very much for listening. Stay healthy, stay safe, stay sound.
