127: Winter On The Redwood Coast

Published: Feb. 21, 2023, 1:40 a.m.


This was recorded at low tide during the new moon on a rocky beach in Redwood National Park, Del Norte County, California. The tide was extremely low and the microphone was placed in the intertidal zone between boulders at the base of a massive, towering rock. The roar of strong wind, rough seas, and huge surf is heard in the background as the waves, which weaved their way through the many rocks and reefs farther out, crash and splash against the boulder strewn shore. 


I made this recording while on an unplanned and impromptu day trip to the coast with my daughter. I had originally planned to record the sound of wintering waterfowl at Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge and Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge, but at Lower Klamath NWR the only area with water and birds was right beside the highway, and Tule Lake was completely dry and devoid of any waterfowl. The years long drought we have been experiencing here in Northern California has been devastating, and despite a decent amount of snow and rain at the start of winter, the precipitation didn't keep up. And even if it did, it will take several very wet years to replenish these areas which are crucial to wintering and migratory waterfowl and the predatory birds and wildlife which depend on them. All that said, my daughter and I decided to make the long drive from there to the coast, and we were lucky to arrive during one of the lowest tides of the year. It was a rare sunny day and we took a little hike down the Coastal Trail from the Lagoon Creek to a rocky cove(where I made this recording) and watched the sunset.


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You can see pictures of the area this was recorded, as well as pictures from other locations I have gathered recordings, by visiting the Instagram and Facebook pages for the podcast. You can find them by searching @soundbynaturepodcast.


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I really hope you enjoy this recording. Thank you very much for listening. Stay healthy, stay safe, stay sound.
