102: PCT- Stormy Day Near West Trough Creek Part 2

Published: April 22, 2022, 2 p.m.


This is a continuation of the previous recording of a rainy and windy spring day in a deep, forested gully beside the Pacific Crest Trail just around the bend from West Trough Creek in Shasta-Trinity National Forest, Shasta County, California. The rain was steady, and dripped heavily from the trees as the wind blowing through the the treetops high above gradually increased in intensity.


On the day I recorded this I was able to gather over six hours of noise pollution free sound. This is the second half of that recording. I hope you enjoy it!


Please donate! Your contributions help make this podcast possible. All donations go directly towards producing these recordings and providing you with natural sound. If you enjoy the podcast please show your appreciation and make a donation: https://soundbynaturepodcast.com/donations/ If you'd like to become a monthly supporter you can do so by clicking the support link at the end of this podcast description, or by visiting the donation page on the podcast website. It's the best way to support the podcast because it provides me with a reliable resource which I can draw from to help me provide you with natural sound. 


I'd really like to thank my monthly supporters and those of you that have donated both recently and in the past. You truly are helping to keep this podcast going, and I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you!!! 


You can see pictures of the area this was recorded, as well as pictures from other locations I have gathered recordings, by visiting the Instagram and Facebook pages for the podcast. You can find them by searching @soundbynaturepodcast. 


Questions or comments? Send me a message on Facebook or Instagram, or email me at soundbynaturepodcast@gmail.com 


I continue to hope for an abrupt end to the war against Ukraine. The suffering of the Ukrainian people at the hands of a megalomaniacal autocrat is absolutely unjustifiable. PEACE FOR UKRAINE!!! 


I hope wherever you are listening that this benefits you in some small way, and it inspires you to do all you can to protect and preserve our natural world. Thank you very much for listening. Stay healthy, stay safe, stay sound.


