Putnam County, Nighthawks At The Diner, Tom Waits [031]

Published: March 23, 2016, midnight


Slowing into the final tracks, Catherine, Martin and Sam find Tom Waits in a calmer, more observational mood, as he swings through small-town America and describes some much more wholesome figures than we've encountered so far. And then\\u2026 Martin picks a song about a serial-killer for contrast\\u2026 and we get into tax returns and ignoring lyrics\\u2026 hoo-boy!

Song by Song is Martin Zaltz Austwick and Sam Pay; two musicians listening to and discussing every single Tom Waits track in chronological order.

website: songbysongpodcast.com
twitter: @songbysongpod
e-mail: songbysongpodcast@gmail.com

Music extracts used for illustrative/review purposes include:
Putnam County, Nighthawks At The Diner, Tom Waits (1975)
John Wayne Gacy, Jr., Illinois, Sufjan Stevens (2005)

We think your Song by Song experience will be enhanced by hearing, in full, the songs featured in the show, which you can get hold of from your favourite record shop or online platform. Please support artists by buying their music, or using services which guarantee artists a revenue - listen responsibly.
