Bankruptcy - A Financial Do Over for a Better Future

Published: Feb. 9, 2020, 10 p.m.


Our first episode of Season 2 from our new and improved digital studio!\\xa0 Special guest Judy McInturff joins our show to discuss a host of concerns involving filing for bankruptcy. Can you keep you car, your house, your equity? What\\u2019s the process?\\xa0 Do you need an attorney?\\xa0 These questions and more are answered in detail.\\xa0 Drew Baker, \\u201cShake & Bake,\\u201d Matt Dixon, \\u201cthe Ironman,\\u201d and Ashley Likens \\u201cthe Intern\\u201d all join in for this new season\\u2019s first run.\\xa0 Thanks for listening! We look forward to an exciting 2020 and hope our listeners enjoy what we have in store for the new year. \\xa0
