SRC 189: Santa Claus: The Movie (1985)

Published: Dec. 21, 2017, 2:10 p.m.

The Cinematic Flushers take on puppet reindeer!  When Santa Claus (David Huddleston) and his old lady freeze to death at the North Pole, they are taken in by a group of toy making elves and tasked with delivering toys to children worldwide.  What follows are 107 minutes of rear screen projection flying effects, elven sweatshop, terrible child acting, and actor John Lithgow chewing more scenery than termites at a timber festival.

Here's the TRAILER.

Our special guests this time out are Low Score's Anthony Dynar and his cinematic turd flushing sidekick, Gay Dave.

We love feedback!  Email us at with your comments and suggestions for future flushes.