Big Problems Pay The Most - Episode #254 w/ Naveen Jain

Published: June 6, 2022, 11 a.m.


Naveen Jain is on a mission to \\u201cmake illness optional\\u201d and has a story that is rooted in starting from less than ideal conditions in India to ascending to America\\u2019s elite class of businessmen. With a net worth in the nine figures he believes that is a result of solving big problems and maintaining a spirit of curiosity, humility, and innovation. In this episode we dive into his story, the creation of his company Viome, and will unpack gems like :\\xa0

  • Passion Vs. Obsession In Life : Why those who find the greatest levels of success operate from a place of obsession and why passion is more congruent with hobbyists.\\xa0

  • The 3 Question Filter : Why this? Why now? Why me? : answering these questions are able to uncover if your current idea will make it to being put in motion as a living, breathing operation.\\xa0

  • Vision and Evolution As An Entrepreneur : Why our ability to paint a picture of where we are going and who we will be supersedes our need to explain who we are or what we do.\\xa0

  • Leaving Better Children For The World\\xa0& Creating An Inner Thirst For Greatness : The power of leaving our legacy and multifaceted wealth through our children and how to raise them to value the things that make the world better.\\xa0

  • Solving The Problem Of Sickness : His grand vision to totally eradicate sickness from the human experience by providing a solution that billions of people need and our natural resources provide for.\\xa0

And so much more!

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