AA History: Ebby T the man that made the call to Bill W

Published: Nov. 4, 2020, noon

Ebby T is the man Bill W referred to as his sponsor, he is also the man that introduced Bill to the Oxford group, eventually leading to the formation of AA. Ebby had a tumultuous path in sobriety, regardless he remained a lifelong friend of Bill W. He tells some of the story about the formation of AA.

If you have any interest there is a pretty good book about him: "Ebby: The Man Who Sponsored Bill W." It is available HERE

He is followed by Icky S another early member of AA. This was recorded in Kansas City in 1960 and for an old recording its very good. I did make a couple of small edits, I pulled the volume way down on the applause because it was painfully harsh and cut the length of some it as well.

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