Episode 41 Donny Cates on Venom!

Published: May 13, 2018, 5:02 a.m.

Its that time of the week again for your earholes to be filled with the sacred thrumming of two of the most soothing voices of the 21st Century. Unfortunately you get Tyler and JP instead. Suck it!

Lets Rock! Big thanks to The Flying Eyes for the use of their song Sing Praise as our theme.

SPOILER WARNING!! Be sure to run out and pick up these great books before listening! 

Venom #1

Analog #2

Oblivion Song #3

Isola #2

The Spider King #4


#idw, #imagecomics, #thespiderking, #oblivionsong, #analog, #venom, #donnycates, #roberkirkman, #johnpauljones, #tylerjohnson #smashngrabcomics