Two Questions to Grow Your Network

Published: June 14, 2021, 5 a.m.


This podcast is evolving into a show that grows your vision, solidifies your business owner's mindset, and teaches through stories. For the first 158 episodes, this podcast was the Solo Cleaning School. I was bringing vision, mindset, strategy, and most importantly, my own journey as a solo cleaning optimizer. I was challenged to add my journey in Gatlinburg, TN at the TLF Retreat by my mastermind friends that love and support me. Their challenge was simple. "Ken, you've built a solo cleaning business to $60k profit on 2 days per week and sold it for $80k. You are teaching this to solos. Why not do it again in another state and catalog your journey? It would be the ultimate accountability tool from you to those that you are trying to help." I was challenged big time and accepted! If you start this podcast from the beginning, you will experience the growth of my second optimized solo cleaning business. In fact, I've grown this business from $20,000 annual revenue in October 2019 to $90,000. My solo cleaning business now is better than the one I sold for $80,000 in New York. I've accomplished the goal that I set to accomplish in Gatlinburg. In a previous episode, "A New Freedom Vision", I shared what's been stirring in my heart on the future of my cleaning business. Our family has a dream to visit all 50 states! We don't need to do it in one long RV homeschooling trip. We love our area and the roots we've established with our family in the Philly Area. Yet, we are still excited to live a life of time, money, and location freedom. I shared on that podcast how my friend and leader Total Life Freedom, Vincent Pugliese, challenged me to pursue my long-time dream of enjoying a whole month in warmth during the winter. Again, I accepted the accountability challenge. We are going to the Gulf Coast in February for a month! This means a lot of things practically. I need to delegate my cleaning business for a whole month and have enough money to make the trip! My dream expanded. In my first solo cleaning business, I optimized to sell. In this solo cleaning business, I'm optimizing to scale. Ken, the solo cleaner, is hiring in 2021. I will continue to update you on Carfagno Cleaning and my progress toward this dream! I hope you enjoy it!

I've started looking around for quality people to hire. I'm not hiring yet, but I'm hyper aware of everyone I meet locally. If they impress me, I get their names and write them down. By the time, I'm ready to hire I'll have a list of 20-25 candidates to reach out to. I will only need 2-3 employees. I'd like to hire for my office cleaning side as offices are much easier and less stress for me. Plus, they are 1 day per week. I can hire professionals with full time jobs looking to make extra money to help them achieve their next dream like being debt-free. There are tons of people like that! I'm on the fence about house cleaning. I currently have 6 clients and will likely give these clients away to a member of one of my groups, sell them, or possibly hire someone off my list to maintain them. My focus for the rest of 2021 is fully optimizing this solo cleaning business, reducing my house cleaning side to the ones I want to keep, and add a few more offices to replace the current houses. Ultimately, I'd like to delegate 10 offices to my employees for February 2022. I have a lot of work to do. I have 8 offices now.

Read the rest of this article at the Smart Cleaning School website
