Increase Your Authority by Creating Your YouTube Channel

Published: Jan. 28, 2013, 2:42 a.m.

b"Here, we discuss how to increase your authority by having your own YouTube Channel\\u2026\\nLiza:\\xa0Hi. This is Liza, bringing to you 52 marketing and promotional ideas for your business. We just had an awesome night here at the Laugh Garage Comedy Club and seating next to me is the founder of the Laugh Garage, Darren.\\nDarren:\\xa0Thank you Liza. I\\u2019m glad you had a good night. It was a good night, was it?\\nLiza:\\xa0It was kind of funny.\\nDarren:\\xa0If I may say so myself. It was a great night. The emcee was fantastic, wasn\\u2019t he?\\nLiza:\\xa0I heard the emcee introduced the speaker, the comedian.\\nDarren:\\xa0Yes, the speaker. Yeah. You know the lingo. That\\u2019s good.\\nLiza:\\xa0Right. All right. Well thanks for having us. So now I\\u2019m going to be sharing the marketing idea with our audience.\\nDarren:\\xa0That\\u2019s good, please. Tell them.\\nLiza:\\xa0OK. So the marketing idea for this episode is about\\xa0content, specifically about\\xa0video content. Just like what we\\u2019re doing now. OK. So now why \\u2026\\nDarren:\\xa0That\\u2019s a video.\\nLiza:\\xa0Yes, sir. Did we surprise you?\\nDarren:\\xa0Yeah. That\\u2019s good.\\nLiza:\\xa0OK. So\\xa0why is video content so powerful? As you can see,\\xa0you capture a lot of emotions.It is active. It is way more interesting than just plain, boring text, right? So when people watch videos, they really get a sense of your business and what you\\u2019re offering. Now you have \\u2026\\nDarren:\\xa0I got what? See with text, you can\\u2019t step up. You just go delete, control, alt delete, type again but now you have to keep going.\\nLiza:\\xa0On video, it all gets captured and it actually gets quite interesting, doesn\\u2019t it?\\nDarren:\\xa0Very.\\nLiza:\\xa0Now whether you are providing a product or service, videos are awesome. So for example, if you are in a restaurant and you might wander, \\u201cWhat kind of videos can I do?\\u201d You can get your chef to be making the dishes and you have them on camera. Can you imagine that? You can see the type of food that is getting cooked and you\\u2019re about to eat them.\\nDarren:\\xa0I can imagine that.\\nLiza:\\xa0Awesome. Now, if you sell a product, some people go, \\u201cWell, if I sell products, can I make videos?\\u201d Of course you can. Now if you haven\\u2019t heard of this company, you can Google this, Don\\u2019t do it right now. It\\u2019s Z-A-P-P-O-S dot com. They just sold \\u2013 just last year, they sold to Amazon for $1.2 billion and they started it off by selling shoes online. Now they sell clothes, accessories, everything, and they have got a video that goes with all their products. They weren\\u2019t professionally made. It was just done by their staff.\\nDarren:\\xa0I\\u2019m not going to say anything.\\nLiza:\\xa0OK. So videos are very powerful and are a lot of fun. Now the added thing that is great for videos is that it is\\xa0search engine optimization opportunity, SEO opportunity. Do you know what that is, Darren?\\nDarren:\\xa0No.\\nLiza:\\xa0It just means that\\xa0you show up on Google\\xa0higher and you want that.\\nDarren:\\xa0OK.\\nLiza:\\xa0Yes.\\nDarren:\\xa0There you go. See, you\\u2019re teaching me stuff already.\\nLiza:\\xa0So basically, when you\\u2019ve got videos, it\\u2019s another opportunity for your content to be optimized and it shows up on Google. The bottom line is that people will find you, will find your business, will find your website. When you have videos on your website, did you know that\\xa0people stay on your website 75 percent longer\\xa0compared to websites without videos.\\nDarren:\\xa0I know when I\\u2019ve been on websites, I usually pick the ones with videos.\\nLiza:\\xa0And you always click\\xa0Play, don\\u2019t you?\\nDarren:\\xa0Uh-huh.\\nLiza:\\xa0Another great thing with videos is that when you have videos on your site, it actually\\xa0improves conversion by 30 percent. So whatever you want them to do, they\\u2019re more likely to do it by 30 percent just by having a video with you saying, \\u201cDo it now.\\u201d\\nDarren:\\xa0Click here.\\nLiza:\\xa0Click here. Buy. Right. I hope that you\\u2019ve got some great ideas from this video today from this episode.\\nDarren:\\xa0Or if not, just had fun.\\nLiza:\\xa0And talking about having fun.\\nDarren:\\xa0Yes.\\nLiza:\\xa0We always wrap up every episode with our guest sharing a joke and being a comedian, I know it\\u2019s going to be difficult for you.\\nDarren:\\xa0It is, because we don\\u2019t actually tell \\u2013 a lot of people think we go and tell jokes but what we do is tell stories that hopefully have a humorous ending rather than the chicken-cross-the-road type of thing.\\nLiza:\\xa0Right.\\nDarren:\\xa0But as I was telling you before, if we could have people log onto our site and then just having fun, that would be a joy because nobody ever listens to me on the phone. You notice that.\\nLiza:\\xa0Yes, tell me more about that.\\nDarren:\\xa0Well, somebody rang today and he said, \\u201cHi.\\u201d I answered the phone. \\u201cIt\\u2019s Laugh Garage Company Club,\\u201d and then they will go, \\u201cIs this the comedy club?\\u201d I was like, \\u201cYeah, I just said that.\\u201d She goes, \\u201cHow long is the show?\\u201d I said, \\u201cOh, eight inches.\\u201d She said, \\u201cWhat?\\u201d I said, \\u201cTwo hours.\\u201d She goes, \\u201cOh, yeah. OK. It\\u2019s cool.\\u201d People don\\u2019t listen. They watch. They don\\u2019t listen.\\nLiza:\\xa0All right. Well Darren, thank you so much for joining us. I hope you had some fun and learned a few things and we will see you at the next episode. Bye-bye.\\nHere's a detailed information about\\xa0Increase Your Authority by Creating Your YouTube Channel;\\n\\nWe would like to thank Darren of The Laugh Garage Sydney for participating in this episode. To find out more about The Laugh Garage Sydney, please visit:\\n"