TBT: Episode 42

Published: Feb. 20, 2020, midnight


Originally published on February 28th, 2011.


. The Blue Knight (17:37)
. Black Nasty (20:46)
. Reenactment of woman beating up roommate over Thin Mints (22:56)
. Gemini Toots (37:41)
. What I Had For Lunch
. Burn popcorn on purpose at work
. Gemini had a hole in his retina lasered shut
. Driver screams `I`m high on cocaine` after car crash
. Boy arrested for selling cocaine out of Doritos bag
. Gold tooth blocks bullet
. Chemicals found after hallucinations lead police to drug lab
. Man accused of drunkenly urinating on chicken at Arkansas grocery store
. Drunk breaks into Pizza Hut and deep-fries wings
. London shop serving breast milk ice cream
. All-chicken roasting specialty channel for Canada
. Driver hid meth pipe in beer bottle
. Speeder stopped with $160,000 worth of pot
. Man gave $200K to fake online girlfriend
. Woman beats up roommate over Thin Mints Girl Scout cookies
. Egyptian names newborn Facebook
. Man beats girlfriend over using Internet to research how to leave an abusive relationship
. Man who drove into river was texting
. Suspect spit feces at officer
. Pizza driver leads to woman`s rescue
. Man who ejaculated into co-worker`s water bottle convicted

