Episode 307: Hey Don, Its Summer Again

Published: March 14, 2024, 6:39 a.m.


The Boys of Summer, Don Henley, The Ataris, pencils, FMK, EPs, Casa Bonita, blink-182 plane crash versus cancer, funeral service for broken record player needles, apartments with no bath or shower, sickle versus umbrella, plus after show bonus audio.


Double X Quantimino


Do The Math: Did Don Henley earn The Ataris more than The Ataris earn The Ataris on Spotify?


Guestimation Unknown No. 2 - pencils


FMK: Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn


Recommended extended plays (EPs)


No tipping at Casa Bonita


Understanding in a plane crash


Burrito\\u2019s Nippon Newz


Millennium-old Japanese temple offering funeral service for broken record player needles


Apartments with no bath or shower rising in popularity among young Tokyoites


Sickle-wielding attacker safely fended off by victim\\u2019s umbrella in Aomori


Burnt End: Burrito\\u2019s Prescription, Coupon Book, Guy Hair Counter


Deepfake Sponsors: Booba Gettz The Crazy One, Thicccum Farmz


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