Episode 174: Hold Your Breath

Published: April 9, 2021, 10:15 p.m.


Enjoy some quality time with the scholarly gentlemen of Slam City as they discuss the topics that matter most: Double X Quantimino, Odd Newz, Burrito\\u2019s Nippon News, What I Had For Lunch, and Eric America\\u2019s Learning Corner.


Double X Quantimino.


A reflection on the Ever Given fiasco, the ship that got stuck.


Riding around in cars with boys: Any bands you enjoyed and looked forward to listening to when you were in a sibling or friend\\u2019s car but that band wasn\\u2019t in your CD collection?


Could the Slam Citizens write and record a ska demo EP in one weekend so that we can usher in the fourth wave? What would our ska band be called? The Four Gregs, Chicken In a Biscuit, Citizen Skank, The Pick It Ups.


Tip to Taint: What is the true measure of success?


A skapera, a skancept album. Skandalous.


Would your 23-year-old self piss off your current old man self? Time travel scenario.


True or False?: Onions


If you could only bring one Radiohead song to a deserted island.


Bone Killer: Hold your breath to rid your unwanted erection.


This Is The Newz.


Company Pays Man His Last Pay Cheque In Grease-Covered Pennies.


Illinois woman charged with false report after claiming she was being taken to Florida against her will.


Pepsi is teaming up with Peeps to make a marshmallow soda.


Houston tax preparer allegedly brandished gun at customers who complained about filings.


Nike denies involvement with Lil Nas X \'Satan Shoes\' containing human blood.


Nike Gets Judge to Halt Sales of Lil Nas X\'s \'Satan Shoes\'.


Bizarre reason onion ad banned.


NASA Discovers Gas Emanating From Uranus.


Burrito\\u2019s Nippon Newz.


Osaka YouTubers\\u2019 stupid plan to live-stream marijuana dealer\\u2019s arrest backfires, stupidly.


Public schools in Japan\\u2019s Saga Prefecture will no longer regulate/check students\\u2019 underwear color.


New color-changing cat sand from Japan reaches crowdfunding goal.


Cup Noodle Pro is Nissin\\u2019s latest way to up its instant ramen game.


More Newz.


Dog eats Rockford man\'s big toe, saves his life.


Woman punches, knocks man to ground after he tried to choke girlfriend at bowling alley.


Goodwill worker finds mistakenly donated $42,000 cash.


Police bust \'world\'s biggest\' video-game-cheat operation.


Italian mafia fugitive caught after police find YouTube cooking show.


Pastor Accused Of Farting On Congregation\'s Face Says "It\'s A Demonstration Of God\'s Power".


Traffic flowing on I-95 after containers of radioactive material dumped onto the highway.


Brian\\u2019s Cat in the Lap Story.


What I Had For Lunch.


Chicken sliders with baby waffles.


Burrito\\u2019s Quizno\\u2019s absence streak ends.


Eric America\\u2019s Learning Corner.


There\'s a miniature art "museum" on the moon that includes a drawing of a dick by Andy Warhol.


That Jack in The Box created a fake boy band called the Meaty Cheese Boys because NSYNC had a CD promo with McDonald\\u2019s and Backstreet Boys had it with Burger King.


Less than 3 percent of Americans live a healthy lifestyle.


Deepfake Sponsors: Julio Tejas, Booba Gettz The Crazy One, Daddy Juice Energy, Blo-N-Go Hair Dryers.


Afterparty Bonus Audio.


Vince Offer.


More commentary on The Last Blockbuster.


Kevin Smith.




Human Centipede.


Hot Towel Treatment at Sport Clips.
