Episode 135: Beaded Curtain District

Published: July 2, 2020, midnight

b'How Was Your Week: Bandito got some new tools. Foxtrot’s world is on fire. Arthur\\u2019s home Internet pulses with the pandemic. Gemini\\u2019s weeks fly and the work is never done.\\n. What I Had For Lunch\\n. Avocado Toast\\n. Vienna Sausage\\n. This Is The Newz\\n. Government denies knowledge of strange ‘UFO’ over Japanese city\\n. Giant cherry found on Italian farm unofficially breaks world record\\n. ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’ employs blow-up doll for love scenes\\n. Man with machete tattoo on face accused of machete attack\\n. Drunk monkey to spend life behind bars in India\\n. Man on whale-watching holiday captures one-in-a-million shot of 10-foot penis\\n. Free Comic Book Day Expands to 9 Weeks This Summer\\n. Guinness reverses decision to strip Billy Mitchell\\u2019s Pac-Man and Donkey Kong records\\n. Sushi tacos now on sale in Japan\\n. Stunningly intact giant squid washes ashore in South Africa\\n. Fired police officer accused in feces sandwich prank loses second bid to get his job back\\n. Kosher lube puts oral sex on the menu for Orthodox Jews\\n. CERN wants to build a new $23 billion super-collider that’s 100 kilometres long\\n. Smelly durian fruit sends six to hospital and forces evacuation\\n. Women less likely to date men with cats, study finds\\n. Joel Schumacher, famed director of Batman films and The Lost Boys, dies at 80\\n. The C.A.R.L.Y.\\u2014That’s \\u201cCan\\u2019t Afford Real Life Yet\\u201d\\u2014Is the Consumer of the Future\\n. Man causes mayhem after sharing \\u2018abomination\\u2019 in his pizza delivery order: . Strawberries on a pizza\\n. Botched restoration of Virgin Mary painting goes viral\\n. More hikers getting lost and injured on Greenbelt\\n. Former Manager of Little Caesars Store Posts Photos of Rats in Pizza Sauce and Trash Can\\n. G Fuel Introduces Sonic the Hedgehog Energy Drink\\n. Tennessee dog turns 20, sets record for oldest living golden retriever in history\\n. ‘Black neutron star’ discovery changes astronomy\\n. Latest sighting of the Loch Ness monster\\n. A.I. Robot Cast in Lead Role of $70M Sci-Fi Film\\n. Tanzanite: Tanzanian miner becomes overnight millionaire\\n. Leech swims up man\\u2019s penis, drinks pint of blood before docs pull it out\\n. Not kidding around: Woman sues for paternity test on goats\\n. The Arctic is on fire: Siberian heat wave alarms scientists\\n. Man allegedly caught at airport with cocaine inside artificial penis\\n. Man’s bladder is torn apart from holding urine for 18 hours\\n. ‘Godzilla dust cloud’ from Sahara blankets Caribbean on its way to US\\n. X-rated p0rno mistaken for kid\\u2019s book\\n. Man has his colon torn apart by a 16-inch live eel\\n. The Latest Pandemic Shortage: Coins Are The New Toilet Paper\\n. 2700 Seconds of Arthur\\u2019s Listening Party\\n. 3 Things That Four Dudes Learned This Week\\n. Leave at least one hole open\\n. Intergalanalytics\\n. D!cks Count\\n. Deepfake sponsors: Foxbox VPN, Julio Tejas, Daddy Juice Energy, Spit Plus, Urite FlyLite'