Experience(s) of Endometriosis as a Performer

Published: April 8, 2022, 1 a.m.


March was endometriosis awareness month! And we\\u2019re a little late to the party! But in the spirit of embracing the mud (!), we\\u2019ve decided to (un)officially extend endo awareness month with this convo all about endo \\u2013 and some personal experiences of living with this condition, as a performer.

If you\\u2019re someone who bleeds / are a little suss that something might be up with your cycle / have been diagnosed with endo / are just curious to hear more about this condition, then this episode is for you! Wonderful singer-extraordinaire Hanna-Liisa Kirchin joins me for this honest and open conversation, about our (varying) experiences with endometriosis. She\\u2019s so generous in sharing her experience \\u2013 I\\u2019m so grateful to her for speaking about her journey.

As ever, this conversation is just a sharing of personal experiences; it does not stand in for medical advice. Please seek the support of your doctor / medical professional, for further information. Also, please bear in mind that every endo journey is so wildly different. What you hear might align with either of our experiences \\u2013 or it might not. It\\u2019s just a jumping-off point for raising awareness / the asking of questions / you being an even fiercer advocate for your own health and body.

Suffice it to say, we talk loads about menstruation\\u2026 so if that\\u2019s not up your alley, then this conversation is probably not for you, my friend (or, it might be, if you\\u2019d like to learn more!) Whyever (is that a word?! If not, should be) you\\u2019re coming to this conversation \\u2013 we\\u2019re so glad to have you; you\\u2019re welcome here, and you\\u2019re seen.

I\\u2019ll also include some resources below, if you\\u2019re interested in finding out more / seeking support. This list will be somewhat limited to what I\\u2019ve been exposed to / had access to, so a) see your doctor (and then see another one, if they\\u2019re dismissive\\u2026) and b) keep seeking great information, on your own terms (there\\u2019s more and more out there, now \\u2013 and loads for free, too).

We\\u2019re here as friends on the journey! Emily x

Resources mentioned / further info:

Endometriosis Australia: https://www.endometriosisaustralia.org/
Endometriosis UK: https://www.endometriosis-uk.org/
Endo dietitian: @endo.dietitian
How to Endo, by Bridget Hustwaite: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/56855221-how-to-endo
Period Repair Manual, by Lara Briden: https://www.larabriden.com/period-repair-manual/
The Fifth Vital Sign, by Lisa Hendrickson-Jack: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/43616354-the-fifth-vital-sign

About our guest:
Hanna-Liisa on Instagram: @hannaliisak
Hanna-Liisa on Twitter: @Hanna_Liisa_K
