January Blues

Published: Jan. 25, 2021, 4:15 p.m.


January Blues 


A series of shorts from writers, poets, song writers and spoken word performers processing their own January blues through their art. 


Opening song - January Blues - by Kat Kleve


21 seconds - 1 of 1 - by Karoline Gable


5.27 minutes- Flip the Switch - by Sean Connolly


8.57 minutes - February 1st - by Molly Lynch


9.28 minutes - Lockdown 3 in January - by The Italian Poet 


12.14 minutes - I'm gonna tell you a secret - by Shiv Raberu


16.05 minutes - On ANON - by Melanie Bright 


17.27 minutes - Shit - by Lizzy Connolly 


19.06 minutes - Riddled - by Charlotte Kennedy



