Short Stops - #32: It's "Fundamental" for a Reason (Exclusive Interview with Mr. Joel Litman)

Published: Jan. 29, 2019, 1:31 p.m.

Hosted by Edmund Lee, President & CEO of the Caylum Trading Institute, Short Stops is your weekly stock market update featuring the top trading news, tips and stock picks in Metro Manila and around the world. “When you buy a stock, you’re saying, I’m smarter than the market - that the collective wisdom of crowds has not realized that this stock has opportunity. Then you have to believe that the market will eventually agree with you. Because if you’re right and the market never agrees with you, you still lose money.” - Joel Litman Having been published in the Harvard Business Review for his piece entitled, "Give My Regrets to Wall Street" and as a top contributor of Seeking Alpha, Joel Litman has spent his career as a financial analyst reviewing thousands of reports in order to find the best companies that can bring his clients the highest value for their investment. While most market timers have the misconception that there is no place for fundamental analysis in trading, Joel is here to explain exactly why the two practices are so significantly related to one another. - How the credit cycle impacts the equity cycle - Why asset allocation is something you need to understand, especially as an active trader - The billion-dollar investment philosophy that answers three major questions: a. What is the market pricing in? b. Where is the mispricing? c. What is the catalyst that will allow people to see what you're seeing? - Could there be a market collapse in the US? - What is the major discrepancy between picking stocks in the US vs. picking stocks in emerging markets such as the Philippines? - Why day trading isn't a hobby - it's a full time profession. Get your next trading insight and find your baggers right here on Short Stops. Powered by the Caylum Trading Institute. -- 
Record Date: JANUARY 29, 2019 
Introduction Music: (credits to)Vodovoz Music Productions on YouTube