Short Stops - #28: From Trader to Team Leader (Carlton Bryan of SMB Capital)

Published: Nov. 14, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

Hosted by Edmund Lee, President & CEO of the Caylum Trading Institute, Short Stops is your weekly stock market update featuring the top trading news, tips and stock picks in Metro Manila and around the world. "You can't use your P&L as the only basis as to whether you are a good trader or not. You might make a lot of money on one trade doing something that you're not supposed to but over time, your weakness will start to show. There's no hiding from consistency." - Carlton Bryan You didn't think we were going to leave it at just one podcast, did you? In an off-the-cuff interview, our Director of Marketing & Operations, Eleanore Lee Teo, met up with Carlton Bryan, Floor Manager at SMB Capital, to discuss his almost decade-long journey with the firm. You would be surprised as to how well many of you can relate to this veteran NYC trader as he shares his mistakes, initial bad habits and greatest lessons learned throughout his experience with the market. Carlton is the result of years of training and mentorship under some of the greatest trading coaches in the industry so check out the scope of what he has to say below: - Transitioning his passion for trading into a profession
 - Overtrading - the most common challenge all new players face
 - Why you don't need to be involved in every single trade or setup out there 
- The Value of Risk Management - "If you don't know how much money you could potentially lose with every trade, don't bother trading." 
- Knowing how to scale in and scale out is what separates the amateurs from the professionals
 - The process of trading success is like the letter "U" Get your next trading insight and find your baggers right here on Short Stops. Powered by the Caylum Trading Institute. -- 
Record Date: NOVEMBER 1, 2018 
Introduction Music: (credits to)Vodovoz Music Productions on YouTube