Short Stops - #12: The Bad Habits of Trading (Why is it so difficult to cut loss??)

Published: April 12, 2018, 1:05 p.m.

Hosted by Edmund Lee, President & CEO of the Caylum Trading Institute, Short Stops is your weekly stock market update featuring the top trading news, tips and stock picks in Metro Manila and around the world. We break down the five most common bad habits when it comes to trading the market, many of which transcend across all generations of traders and can affect anyone, whether you've been in the market for a few months to more than a decade. Let Terence Chan, Co-Head of Investments at Citisecurities, and Ernest Buhangin, a senior global equity trader, define our problems and provide a solution to each one. Have you ever experienced any of these? 1. Being unable to cut your losses 2. Have major FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) 3. Overtrading 4. Revenge Trading 5. Analysis Paralysis Get your next trading insight and find your baggers right here on Short Stops. Powered by the Caylum Trading Institute. -- Record Date: APRIL 12, 2018 Introduction Music: (credits to)Vodovoz Music Productions on YouTube