Wisdom Series Day 14 : Hire Character Train Skill

Published: Aug. 10, 2019, 9:39 p.m.

" The most important criterion is this: hire someone whose character and humility and attitude you would like to have reproduced in your church and in yourself." - John Ortberg

Hello and welcome to Day 14 of our wisdom series. In today's episode, we talk about hiring for character and training for skill. I have realized the meaning of Peter Schutz's, CEO of Porsche, statement. The character of a person plays a more important role when looking for the right person to join your team. The focus should lie on the individual's personality, drive, character, attitude, creative thinking, and fast learning. Specific skill sets, knowledge and understanding can be taught and learned by the person. I thought I would share this important lesson with you today. It has helped me tremendously. Do you agree with Peter Schutz and me?

Until next time, Stay Motivated, Stay Wise.