Building Your Empire with Sharifah Hardie.

Published: June 2, 2019, 12:16 p.m.

On today’s podcast, we are excited to have a thought-provoking conversation with Sharifah, a business consultant, speaker and influencer and the author of the must-have book for entrepreneurs, Signs you might be an Entrepreneur-How to Discover the Entrepreneur in You! Sharifah is the host of Ask Sharifah Video cast & Ask Sharifah Podcast. She is also the CEO of X Roads TV, in the News PR and in the News Magazine. In addition, Sharifah is the Co-Founder of the Powered by Purpose Tour.

Sharifah is an inspiring woman! She has risen against all odds to build herself a business Empire. What makes her a great woman is that she desired to achieve more than just success for herself but for other people as well. She is empowering and helping women to become the warriors they are meant to be. Sharifah is indeed a true leader, and talking to her reminded me of the quote; "As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.”- Bill Gates. Join us today as Sharifah shares her story and how you can achieve greatness too. Yes, discover your own from Zero to Hero story.#BuildingYourOwnEmpire. Enjoy!