Episode 63 Open Monk Season

Published: May 24, 2014, 5:39 a.m.

b'Show notes originally posted by Nevik
\\nIn this episode, we\\xa0are once again without our 4th musketeer, Lanntonio. Nevertheless we get back to it and get\\xa0down to business by discussing what we\'ve been up to in-game:\\xa0Breja finally has all five six classes at 70, Nevik has been monkeying around with his monk, and Jen defeated Death!
\\nIn this episode:
\\n* We read, and respond to, a mountain\\xa0of emails we received from our wonderful listeners.\\xa0This batch came to us from Simon, Foqbupog, Tinook, Chad S, and our European community coordinator, Master Do!\\xa0Thank you for the amazing amount of emails! Keep them coming, really!
\\n* We received a mountain of tweets from @Paidtokill5440, @ig_nateward, @9PadGaming, @Rilandune, @wowjason62606, @RocksmithCody, @pergosmaster, @Kagerai_Leblue, @HomeTownHero008, @Torrack1714, and @sadromeo.\\xa0Thank you for your tweets. Don\'t forget that you, too, can send in your thoughts via social media outlets such as\\xa0Facebook,\\xa0Google+, and\\xa0Twitter.
\\n*\\xa0We posed the\\xa0question\\xa0on Twitter asking what your least played class is and why. We got quite a few responses despite the short notice on the question going live. Be sure to follow our show account,\\xa0@ShatteredStone, on Twitter for future\\xa0Questions of the Show.
\\n* Patch 2.0.5 was dropped on us and while we don\'t cover the line-by-line details of the patch notes, we do offer our experiences with the patch. How are you enjoying the patch? Let us know!
\\n* Prompted by Simon\'s email, we discuss at length our thoughts and opinions of the forth-coming seasons. You probably won\'t be surprised that we\'re\\xa0for seasons, but that doesn\'t mean that we don\'t see why there are folks out there that are\\xa0against seasons. While we won\'t pretend that our thoughts will sway those against to suddenly have a change-of-heart, we do try to offer a few positives even if you don\'t dive in to a season.
\\n* We decided to hold off on discussing the ending of Reaper of Souls so that we can include YOU and YOUR THOUGHTS in the discussion. How do you participate? EASY! Shoot us an email with your thoughts on the ending!
\\n* Unfortunately this is one of those shows without an Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theatre. We can\'t always promise that this segment will always make an appearance, we do love a good OFTMPT. This time we bring you a story of RNG woe as forum user Glythe dons his tin-foil hat in regards to "arbitrarily generated loot tables."
\\nAs always we are looking for your participation with this fun segment, send your\\xa0Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater\\xa0audio segments (or humorous forum threads) to\\xa0Show@ShatteredSoulstone.com.
\\nLinks for you to Visit:
\\nIf you were not already aware our editor, Shawn, is in-between jobs and could really use some help. If you can spare anything there is a\\xa0Crowdtilt fund\\xa0to help make ends meet. We are massively grateful for any help you can send his way. Thank you!
\\n* Multiple times throughout the episode we referenced things mentioned during the developer gameplay sessions as apart of Diablo 3\'s 2nd anniversary. Weighing in at over 4 hours long, you may opt for the cliff notes on everything was said, fortunately Diablofans.com has you covered with this post and then this follow up.
\\n* Sibcoe from Red Team Gaming is back with episode 23 of his State of Diablo III. Before diving in and listening, you may want to make sure you\'re prepared for the opening of the show. It\'s quite a doozy ... ^^;
\\n* If you\'re a lore nut, you probably have already consumed the two new pieces of Diablo fiction. If not we suggest you check out Brother in Arms written by Scott Brick and if you have a Kindle, check out Mickey Neilson\'s Morbed.
\\n* If you\'re too busy to read all of the patch notes for patch 2.0.5 Awesomeville on YouTube has you covered.'