Episode 54 The Grindstone

Published: Dec. 15, 2013, 4:10 a.m.

b'Show notes originally posted by Nevik
\\nIn this episode, we are down two co-hosts as both Jen and Breja were indisposed. Not to worry, we pulled in our good friends Dred and Betta from GrindEXP.com to fill in. We then get down to business by discussing what we\'ve been up to in-game: Lanntonio is on a crusade, Nevik is loving the wizard changes in Reaper of Souls and our guests are knee-deep in streaming their exploits in the beta.
\\nIn this episode:
\\n*\\xa0We unfortunately had one of those\\xa0blue moon shows in that we did not receive a single email from our dear listeners. We love hearing from you, so keep those emails coming!
\\n* We received tweets from @HomeTownHero008, @pergosmaster, @CM_Nevalistis, @Jaetch, @grindexp, @JCMonkeyD3, and @Foqbupog.\\xa0Thank you for your tweets. Don\'t forget that you, too, can send in your thoughts via social media outlets such as\\xa0Facebook,\\xa0Google+, and\\xa0Twitter.
\\n* We posed the\\xa0question\\xa0on Twitter seeking your feedback on the liberal use of BoA (bind on account) items present in the Reaper of Souls beta.\\xa0Be sure to follow our show account,\\xa0@ShatteredStone, on Twitter for future\\xa0Questions of the Show.
\\n* With the Reaper of Souls friends and family beta now two weeks old we share our fairly extensive experiences in progression in Torment difficulty. From the good to the bad, we cover mostly every nuance as it exists presently in the beta. Warning: There\'s a ton of wizard talk. You wouldn\'t expect any less now would you?
\\n* This episode marks a very special Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater as we have our very first listener submission for the segment!\\xa0As always we are looking for your participation with this fun segment, send your\\xa0Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater\\xa0audio segments (or humorous forum threads) to\\xa0Show@ShatteredSoulstone.com.
\\nThis episode\'s Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater segment bed music included\\xa0Rondeau from Sinfonie de Fanfares by Jean-Joseph Mouret\\xa0and\\xa0Pannonia Boundless\\xa0by Alexandra Vrebalov.
\\n\\xa0Links for you to Visit:
\\n* Community manager Nevalistis has been collecting all of the Reaper of Souls Friends and Family Beta sources in a handy-dandy round-up blog. If you can\'t get enough, be sure to check it out to hopefully satiate your hunger.
\\n* If the new difficulty system has you all confoozled YouTube user GamebyNumber has you covered with his early analysis of each difficulty setting in Reaper of Souls.
\\n* DiabloFans recently took the time to do something different other than report on the news and put together a compilation of three well thought-out suggestions from Mr. Monstrous, DamienJohn and forum member Ropp. While there\'s very little chance for these suggestions to be implemented by launch, it does serve as brain-food for what could potentially come post-launch!
\\n* Twitch.tv broadcaster Zisspire put together a video on YouTube highlight an extremely effective (dare we say too effective?) wizard build lovingly coined "The Need 4 Speed" that works on the Reaper of Souls beta.
\\n* Although Nevik made it abundantly clear that he isn\'t a fan of the necromancer, that didn\'t cloud his judgement on an amazing piece of\\xa0concept art\\xa0by Sammael for what the necromancer might look like in Diablo III.
\\n* Finally we would like to remind\\xa0teh internets that beta is beta and to not get too worked up over what we are seeing out of the Reaper of Souls friends and family beta. Things are still very much in development and will change before\\xa0and after Reaper of Souls is launched.
\\n*\\xa0Tatasinke\\xa0is back with another edition of his Paper.li newspaper, the\\xa0New Tristram News. Check it out and subscribe!
\\nSong of the Show: