Episode 106 Neviks Bloody Tip

Published: Nov. 26, 2015, 5:58 a.m.

b"Show notes originally posted by Nevik
\\nIn our 106th episode Nevik and Breja are back to talk all the Diablos with you.\\xa0It has been another slow week in terms of exciting news, so instead we focus more on formulating plans for next season: Breja is thinking of going softcore, and Nevik keeps flip-flopping on class focus.
\\nIn this episode:
\\n \\tThis is another one of those rare instances where we did not receive a single email, but that's understandable with the holidays looming and the end of the season still a ways off. Listener participation has been absolutely amazing and is primarily why we do this show, so keep them coming! We WILL get to all the emails we receive, even if occasionally we have to push a few to the next episode.\\xa0Send in your stories of RNGesus triumph to Show@ShatteredSoulstone.com!
\\n \\tWe received tweets from @playrider2, @josukeshair, @sastewart111, @Hawgeye_CTR, @DrTrevorBell, @Medros, @AvengedAgainst, and of course @Kherova.\\xa0Thank you for your tweets. Don't forget that you, too, can send in your thoughts via social media outlets such as\\xa0Facebook,\\xa0Google+, and\\xa0Twitter.
\\n \\tAt Blizzcon it was teased that the Diablo team was going to experiment with the length of time in between seasons, so we\\xa0wanted to know\\xa0what would your ideal length between seasons would be.\\xa0Be sure to follow the show account, @ShatteredStone, on Twitter for future\\xa0Questions of the Show.
\\n \\tWill the crew manage to make it out to Blizzcon 2016? Will there even be a Blizzcon next year? We discuss the hurdles that prevented all of the hosts from attending this year's convention.
\\n \\tSpeaking of Blizzcon, Blizzard has released the official Blizzcon 2015 Photograph Gallery\\xa0taken throughout the duration of the 2 day convention. Contained is a gem that has hit full-meme potential.
\\n \\tThe Patch 2.4 PTR will be undergoing a complete progress wipe with the newest update in an effort to collect more accurate tuning issues after a couple of bugs skewed the data way off the chart.
\\nLinks for you to Visit:
\\n \\tTHERE IS A NEW DIABLO PODCAST FOR US TO ENJOY! BraveSirDave has been running The Diablo Diaries and recently started dabbling with recording his experiences in audio format for all to enjoy. Be sure to check out his site and podcast, and a big thank you to @DrTrevorBell for informing us of this new podcast's existence.
\\n \\tZiggy D had a chance to sit down with Kevin Martens and Don Vu at Blizzcon to discuss\\xa0various topics revolving around our beloved game.
\\n \\tYouTuber J Macc shared his initial impressions of the state of the puke doctor and Patch 2.4 as a whole.
\\n \\tProlific monk extraordinaire Quin has been on a tear with producing guides on how to complete various class set dungeons. Check out his guides on completing the Monk set dungeons for Inna's, Uliana's, Sunwuko, and Raiment.
\\nOther Entertainment/Games:
\\n \\tFrom now on this segment of the show will be exclusively for our Twitch/YouTube viewers in an effort to reduce editing time and show length. If you want to hear us talk about anything and everything outside of Diablo, then check out our Twitch and YouTube channels.
\\nHave a Diablo III related comment, question, story, or rant that you'd like to share with all of us? Send your email, or short audio comment, to\\xa0Show@ShatteredSoulstone.com.
\\nShow Links:
\\n \\t
\\n \\tEmail the\\xa0show,\\xa0Nevik,\\xa0Jen, or\\xa0Breja
\\n \\tTwitters:\\xa0Show,\\xa0Nevik,\\xa0Jen,\\xa0Lanntonio\\xa0and\\xa0Breja
\\n \\tCheck out the show's\\xa0Facebook fan page"