Episode 105 Shattered Hoodstone

Published: Nov. 16, 2015, 7:10 a.m.

b"Show notes originally posted by Nevik
\\nIn our 105th episode the Patch 2.4 PTR is here and the hype train is going at full speed. CHOO CHOO! We then\\xa0get down to business discussing what\\xa0we've\\xa0been up to: Breja continues to struggle finding time to play, Nevik is recharged, and Lanntonio is contemplating focusing on a single class next season.
\\nIn this episode:
\\n \\tWe read, and respond to a\\xa0solitary\\xa0email from\\xa0first time contributor, Ryan. Listener participation has been absolutely amazing and is primarily why we do this show, so keep them coming! We WILL get to all the emails we receive, even if occasionally we have to push a few to the next episode.\\xa0Send in your stories of RNGesus triumph to Show@ShatteredSoulstone.com!
\\n \\tWe received a huge\\xa0amount of tweets from @DrTrevorBell, @EYedgar0111, @sastewart111, @Torrack1714, @KeeperofAlts, @josukeshair, @Retro1Cherry, and of course @Kherova.\\xa0Thank you for your tweets. Don't forget that you, too, can send in your thoughts via social media outlets such as\\xa0Facebook,\\xa0Google+, and\\xa0Twitter.
\\n \\tWe wanted to know\\xa0what do you think of the (season) Rebirth feature? Be sure to follow the show account, @ShatteredStone, on Twitter for future\\xa0Questions of the Show.
\\n \\tThe PTR for Patch 2.4 is HERE! We sound like a broken record, but each and every single patch continues to improve upon the game. Do you have any souls left to reap? Needless to say, we are excited and give some impressions from the brief amount of time we've had on the PTR.
\\n \\tDoes all of the free content we have been receiving rule out the possibility of a 2nd expansion? Why is Team 3 giving us so much without asking for anything in return? While the former question is still up for debate, a recent interview from PCgamesN with Josh Mosqueira gives some insight on why so much has been added to the game without being locked behind a pay-wall.
\\n \\tRecently there was a job-posting for a position to return Blizzard classics to the glory that they deserve. Does this mean Diablo II is being remade? We discuss what the position could mean for the heralded pinnacle of the series.
\\nLinks for you to Visit:
\\n \\tEven with everything that Patch 2.4 is bringing, there has been MORE datamined from the client and DiabloFans has been happy to share. Do note that everything datamined might not be intended for 2.4, it does highlight that there is indeed a metric ton of cosmetic options coming in the future.
\\n \\tWith the dust settling on the info-dump from Blizzcon 2015, community manager Nevalistis put together an official Blizzcon 2015 round-up including links to the extensive coverage from the show.
\\n \\tStill confused about the new Kanai's Cube recipe coming in Patch 2.4? Hotstreak from Blizzpro has you covered with a handy article detailing Caldesann's Despair.
\\n \\tProlific Diablo III streamer Quin had an opportunity to sit down with Wyatt Cheng and Rob Foote at Blizzcon 2015 and ask some high-level questions ranging from calculation/density-lag to Blizzard's intentions on experience changes.
\\nOther Entertainment/Games:
\\n \\tFrom now on this segment of the show will be exclusively for our Twitch/YouTube viewers in an effort to reduce editing time and show length. If you want to hear us talk about anything and everything outside of Diablo, then check out our Twitch and YouTube channels.
\\nHave a Diablo III related comment, question, story, or rant that you'd like to share with all of us? Send your email, or short audio comment, to\\xa0Show@ShatteredSoulstone.com.
\\nShow Links:
\\n \\t
\\n \\tEmail the\\xa0show,\\xa0Nevik,\\xa0Jen, or\\xa0Breja
\\n \\tTwitters:\\xa0Show,\\xa0Nevik,\\xa0Jen,\\xa0Lanntonio\\xa0and\\xa0Breja
\\n \\tCheck out the show's\\xa0Facebook fan page"