You know that voice in your head that makes you doubt yourself, says nasty things to yourself, beats yourself up, compares you to others, and tells you you are not enough?\xa0That\u2019s your inner critic.\xa0She can be a real nightmare! If you\u2019re anything like most women I know, you probably give her way too much airplay.\xa0You hear her as she clears her throat to step up to the mic and then you listen intently as she rants about your weaknesses and shortcomings.\xa0Worst of all, you believe her.\xa0\xa0\nYour inner critic keeps you quiet, small, fearful, and frustrated.\xa0Because she has been with you for so long, you likely don\u2019t realize she has set up shop as your default voice.\xa0You may find she is the loudest voice in your head.\xa0As the loudest voice in your head, she inhibits your decision-making and action-taking.\xa0She tells you you\u2019re not worthy, capable, qualified, or ready to do the things you want to do or say the things you want to say.\xa0She has stolen your voice and stunted your growth as a woman and a leader in the world.\xa0\nIn this episode, I walk you through how your inner critic came to be and how she got so loud. I hope that once you see how she was born you can permit yourself to permanently kick her to the curb.\xa0She is a product of the patriarchy and she really doesn\u2019t deserve another ounce of your precious time or energy.\xa0Sometimes, we see things we can\u2019t unsee or hear things we can\u2019t unhear.\xa0I think you\u2019ll find when you learn the roots of your inner critic, you can no longer sit idly by and let her go on.\xa0Because the reality is that you are worthy, capable, qualified, and ready to do the things you want to do or say the things you want to say.\xa0She, on the other hand, is NOT.\xa0\n\nWe love the sponsors that make this show possible! You can always find all the special deals and codes for all our current sponsors on our website:\nInterested in becoming a sponsor of the Shameless Mom Academy? Email our sales team at\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit