Mailbag Pt. 2 - Best Case Scenario for the Pacers by the Trade Deadline + will COVID impact NBA Trades?

Published: Jan. 3, 2022, 3:50 a.m.

b"Alex Golden is joined by COVID expert, Dr. Michael Facci, to answer questions from Pt. 2 of the Mailbag!\\nTopics: Covid Impact on Pacers trades, losing for a high draft pick, signing Lance for the rest of the season, conspiracy theories with Matthew Peck on leaked information/throwing games, getting leaders on the Pacers that are similar to Big Q and Darius Leonard for the Colts, getting the fun back, does the Pacers organization have the ability to create a championship contender, (unrealistic) dream trade for this team, keep Caris to run the point, Lance should retire a Pacer, Dan Burke's departure, waiting to trade Caris till the summer/maybe trade Brogdon instead and will the trade market be dead until Ben Simmons is dealt.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit"