June Mailbag! (Pt. 1) What could a package of Buddy, Theis, Duarte and 2 future firsts get you in a trade? (Pt. 1)

Published: June 25, 2023, 11:48 p.m.

b"Alex and Facci answer your mailbag questions! Questions are listed below in the description...leave us a 5-star rating and review if you love the content!\\n\\n1). Chase - How high are you on Ben Sheppard? I wasn't aware of him when watching the draft, but after watching some of his film, and his media interviews over the past couple of days, I love him on this team, and he could be a great rotational guy next year\\n2). Sam Culbertson - Are you happy that we picked Sheppard with the 26th pick? And with us picking him, what do you think that means for some of the other guards on the roster? Are they gone or do we keep them and someone rides the bench? Curious your thoughts!\\n3). Rooster aka Evan - What do you think the best return of a player we could get for a package of Duarte, Theis, Buddy, and a couple of future firsts would be?\\n4). David Matillo - Who would be the Perfect 3 next to Myles and Jarace? And yes it's Paul George\\n5). Aaron M - Who will be the Pacers top free agent signing this offseason?\\n6). Chris Weech - Who is your pie in the sky Free agent? All the people saying trade for Paul George, why not just try to go sign Kris Middleton instead of giving up assets for George? Plus he's about a year and a half younger than PG.\\n7). Gavin Gruszewski - Do the Pacers go into FA/trades to find a starting SF now that we've drafted Walker?\\n8). Tyler Christian - Who are the likeliest roster casualties to make room for more improvements in the offseason? Duarte seems the likeliest after the drafting of Sheppard.\\n9). Garrett Baggs - Will we start Walker at the 4 and work through the growing pains or bring in another 4 to mentor for a year or two?\\nAny other targets in FA make sense now for such a full team?\\n10). Gage - What are your predictions for Jarace Walker in his first season? Averages and how he impacts the game with us. Side note, his personality seems like it fits amazingly with the Pacers!\\n11). Jeff Kew - Feeling on the need to add another PF? Who would you want to target via free agency or trade?\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices"