Self Publishing A Book Online: Publishing on Apple Books

Published: July 13, 2020, 4 p.m.

Are you overwhelmed by all the options for self publishing a book online? Then, discover the pros and cons of publishing a book on Apple iBooks. This is the first part of a multi-part series about platforms for publishing books.

Level-Up Your Self-Publishing Business TODAY:

  1. One-Third of the Way to 100K Giveaway – (Deadline July 31, 2020)
  2. Subscribe to Self-Publishing with Dale on YouTube at and
  3. Join other like-minded and motivated self-publishers in the Self-Publishing Books Group. Learn, grow and network with authors, freelancers and industry experts at Remember to answer the 3 questions to gain entry.
  4. Get access to my go-to resource, Publisher Rocket. Confidently research profitable keywords & categories. And, easily select effective keywords for Amazon Advertising campaigns. For more details, visit

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