The Creative and Business Mind-Set: April 2018 AskALLi Advanced Self-Publishing Salon

Published: March 31, 2018, 12:11 a.m.


In this month\'s Advanced Self-Publishing Salon from the Alliance of Independent Authors, Orna Ross and Joanna Penn talk about the creative and business mind-set.

Topics discussed this week include:

  • Orna updates us on her Go Creative! book series to be launched at the London Book Fair. How creative people apply the creative process to business.
  • A preview of the London Book Fair and all of ALLi\'s activities there, including seminars, book launches, and consultations.
  • ALLi will hold an online event in conjunction with the London Book Fair and launch of a new self-publishing advice quarterly.
  • News update on Facebook and other big data changes. It\'s important for authors to understand the value of their data.\\xa0
  • Self-Publishing 3.0 is all about direct selling from author to reader.\\xa0
  • Take a look at your security settings on Facebook and look at what data they have on you.
  • The rise of audiobooks.
  • How to merge the creative and business mind-set. The world is changing, and so must the way you think.
  • This is an incredible time to be an author. You can earn a living from books, but to do that, you\'re going to have to apply your creative skills to business.\\xa0
  • Joanna says set aside a time to put on your "creative hat." For her, it\'s early in the morning.
  • You can get what you want out of social media like Facebook. "Good stuff in, good stuff out."

Find more author advice, tips and tools at our self-publishing advice center, And, if you haven\\u2019t already, we invite you to join our organization and become a self-publishing ally. You can do that at Now, go write and publish.

About the Hosts

Joanna Penn is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling thriller author, as well as writing non-fiction for authors. She is also a professional speaker and entrepreneur, voted as one of The Guardian UK Top 100 creative professionals 2013. She spent 13 years as a business IT consultant in large corporations across the globe before becoming a full-time author-entrepreneur in September 2011. For more information about Joanna, visit her website:

Orna Ross launched the Alliance of Independent Authors at the London Book Fair in 2012. Her work for ALLi has seen her named as one of The Bookseller\\u2019s \\u201c100 top people in publishing\\u201d. She also publishes poetry, fiction and nonfiction, and is greatly excited by the democratising, empowering potential of author-publishing. For more information about Orna, visit her website:
