How to Emotionally Reach Your Readers, With Jeff Elkins Self-Publishing Conference Highlight

Published: Sept. 27, 2023, 12:29 p.m.


In this Self-Publishing Conference Highlight, Jeff Elkins discusses how to emotionally reach your readers. It\'s not enough to get a reader to pick up our books. We also have to reach them emotionally in order to keep them reading past the first chapter and to inspire them to tell their friends about our stories. The good news is, people are communal in nature. We are hard-wired to connect emotionally with one another, and authors can exploit that wiring with our storytelling by keeping our stories dialogue-centric.

By the end of this session, you will learn:

  • how humans connect with one another emotionally and how they can exploit that desire for connection with their writing
  • how to write a dialogue-centric story
  • how to build character partnerships that cause the reader to feel a sense of community

This is a post from SelfPubCon (The Self-Publishing Advice Conference), an online author event, run free twice-yearly, in association with the\\xa0Alliance of Independent Authors.

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And, if you haven\\u2019t already, we invite you to\\xa0join our organization\\xa0and become a self-publishing ally. You can do that at\\xa0

About the Host

Jeff Elkins is the author of 10 supernatural thrillers, an editor, a podcaster, and a speaker. As the Dialogue Doctor, he helps authors defeat mono-mouth by empowering them to write dialogue that engages readers and keeps them reading to the end of the book. When he isn\'t writing or editing, Jeff leads the writing team for a simulation company that trains professionals in difficult conversations.
