"How to handle change with a fresh perspective."

Published: Nov. 14, 2019, 5:48 a.m.

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Greetings, Summit Leaders. Change is coming! How can we respond in victory? We are in "Chapter 2" of our conquest. My prayer and belief are that "The latter glory of IBM will be greater than the former glory." Change is underway. Here is a principle to consider as you prepare to take full advantage of this new opportunity. As we grow in our capacity as leaders, we understand that change is always occurring in our lives and careers. The key to victory during change is unwavering faith, commitment, and trust. I love to study the biographies of great leaders. I am in search of leadership principles as I observe their responses to life and career challenges. I then apply these principles and assess, reflect on the outcomes in my life, and document the events. I began in 1998 journaling and documenting the results. One great leader that I admire deeply is Abraham. His biography is in the book of Genesis. At the peak of his life and successful career, he was called to be part of something new. "...leave your country, your people, and your household and go to the land I will show you." Faith. Commitment and Trust are the distinguishing qualities in his biography. "...He went out, not knowing where he was going." He responded to change by moving forward in faith without knowing the details of the outcome. He believed! I applied faith, commitment, and trust when I received a call from my manager to leave my city, move to a new town, and take lead responsibility for a primary account that was not performing at its best. Go to the city that I had never seen, be responsible for a critical account that I knew little about, and begin something new was the call. On Saturday, February 23, 2002, my manager leaves me an urgent voice message regarding the opportunity. Logically, it did not make sense to go. My bride of four months was only released three months earlier from two weeks in the intensive care unit at a leading medical hospital. The physicians shared their findings. My wife had two options. Option one; "heart and lung transplant." Option two; "death."