Segment City Episode 65 - S'moritto

Published: Sept. 24, 2020, 2:29 a.m.

S’moritto. That name alone sparks interest. Is it a toasted burrito? Is it a tasty desert wrapped in a tortilla? Wrong. It is filled to the brim with confusion and hatred. Chocolate, marshmallow, peanut butter and jelly, and BACON! All wrapped in a tortilla!? That is so many flavors, textures, and smells wrapped into one. I feel the diabetes coursing through my veins just writing that. This week on the podcast, Will and Theo talk about the rules of good storytelling, some wacky s’mores alternatives including wrapping it in a biscuit, adding brie and peach to it, dipping it in baileys, and making a “S’morito” aka a bacon, pb&j, marshmallow wrapped in a tortilla. Will then quizzes Theo by reading review from Rotten Tomatoes and seeing if he can guess the movie in “The Most Rotten Tomato!”, Theo asks Will what product is the made up in “As Seen on TV!” featuring the Cozy Bib, Easy Feet, and Alien Tape, and Will tells some of the wackiest plots in the CIA tried in their over 600 assination attempts on Fidel Castro including poison cigars, ice cream and diving suits, exploding seashells, and more...